Friday 14 September 2007

Campaign Convention 4th September 2007

I attended the NUS Campaigns Convention in Canary Wharf. All other student officers from around the Country came to find out what National campaigns their students could be involved with and learnt how to run an effective campaign.

The day started with the news that NUS, just days before, had secured victory against HSBC who implemented a policy to charge graduates interest on their overdrafts from the moment the left their course. Following enormous pressure from thousands of students and graduates from across the country, HSBC made the welcome decision to reverse its decision to charge full interest on graduate overdrafts.

The campaigns which I am running this year are: SHAG (sexual health and guidance), Drug and Alcohol Awareness, Healthy Living and Cancer Awareness. But I don’t what to make all the decisions- if any students wants a campaign over a certain issue or they too want to run a separate campaign then get in touch!

Also, look out for the Welfairy… adding that sparkle to those issues which can sometimes be neglected.

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